Happy Gotchya Day, Ferro!
It does not feel like it’s been six years, but it also feels like there was nothing before him.
I’m the crazy dog mom. If Ferro can’t come, it is like pulling teeth trying to convince me to leave. Whatever I do, I try to have him there. I promised the day I picked him up that I would give him the best life I possibly could. He would see sunrises and sunsets regularly. We would travel across the country to sniff strange smells and wander new paths. We’ve done so much of that and have every intention to do more.
I embrace the idea of living out of a truck one day. Just me and him. Just the open road, windows down, and dog hair flying in our mouths.
Life before him is nothing I want to remember. Life after him is not something I wish to imagine. Each day together is a gift, so we choose to live in the present.
But he’s just a dog, they say.
No. He is my best man. My overgrown floof. He is the reason I get up and try my damnedest every single day. I want him to have the best life possible because he is the best part of my life.

what do you think?